Linggo, Marso 9, 2014

Youngest Businessman

Youngest Businessman

           Jimmy Yau is one of the youngest business man in Bulan, at age of 32, he managed several type of businesses not only in Bulan but also in other places like Irosin Sorsosogon, Samar, Gubat and Casiguran.
          He is the owner of Kimson Enterprises (Bulan), it is running for almost 5 years and he start business when he was a child because of the influenced of his parents.
          Before he take Foreign Affairs, he is already a graduate engineer and because he knows something about business, he did not gave time taking Business Course.

How many businesses do you have aside from Kimson Enterprises Bulan?

·         Photography Business
·         Kimson Enterprises Irosin Branch
·         Kimson Enterprises Sorsogon Branch
·         And Branches located at Samar, Gubat and Casiguran

Golden Tips:
  • You must think the needs of the customer, aside of having a business. You are also helping the community, a family through providing their needs.’
  • Study your business, background, capitals, and components of the business, place and its economic status.
  • Good Management- it will help the business grow, as long as you have a good management system.

Before the first time, I open Kimson Enterprises Bulan, the sales are very high but because of competitors, I mean competition and sets of new building the sales are affected.

But under this competition, Kimson Enterprises is set apart because:

  • Trusted and person guaranteed
  • They can found their basic needs here at Kimson Enterprises.

Thesaurus Legend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
A person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive). 

Types of Businessman
·         A businessman who arranges an amalgamation of two or more commercial companies.

Arb, Arbitrager, Arbitrageur 
·         Someone who engages in arbitrage (who purchases securities in one market for immediate resale in another in the hope of profiting from the price differential)

Big businessman, Business leader, Magnate, Top executive, Tycoon, Baron, Mogul, King, Power 
·         A very wealthy or powerful businessman; "an oil baron"

Bourgeois, Businessperson 
·         A capitalist who engages in industrial commercial enterprise.

·    Someone who manages or has significant financial interest in an industrial enterprise.

·         A person who owns or operates oil wells

·   Someone who owns or operates a business; "who is the operator of this franchise?"

 Owner, Proprietor 
·         (law) someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business; "he is the owner of a chain of restaurants"

Small businessman
·         A businessman who runs a business employing less than 100 people

 Suit (slang)
·     A businessman dressed in a business suit; "all the suits care about is the bottom line"

·         A businessman who forms a syndicate

·         Someone who conducts or carries on business or negotiations

Top 6 Reasons to Become A Businessman
By  Mastpunjabi

Why business?
Why would anyone want to be in business? Why should anyone be in business or become a businessman? There are many reasons for different people to be in business. But one thing is for sure and that is by having a business of your own means having the opportunity of your own to achieve success. Here are the top 6 reasons why you should become a businessman. 

1. Career control and creative freedom
2. Job Security
3. Flexibility
4. Great Earning Potential
5. Your country
6. Satisfaction

Job Security
      Having your own business means having your own job. When there is any type of economic instability around the world or in your own country, if you are an employee of someone else you have to worry about being fired and in many cases you will be fired. But having your own business can be of tremendous comfort. Although as a business owner you do have to worry about the economic situation and how to deal with it's ups and downs but you don't have to worry about your own job, even though you may have to make some firings from your own pool of employees. But your job remains safe.

Career control and creative freedom
      As an owner of a business, you don't have to worry about many things such as promotion, office politics. You are at the top and thus you can concentrate on better things such as the making of policies and plans to promote your business. You have the control over every decision. This means you are in full control of your career. By having your own business means you can do things the way you love. At an office as an employee you don't have any creative freedom and even if you do have you still have to wait for the final decision your boss will make. But with your own business, rather than having to follow stuffy rules and meet restrictive guidelines you are the sole decision maker. You can set up your business in a way that it meets your personal desires, tastes and goals. This creative freedom that you get from your business prevents boredom and lack of interest in work and takes you to closer to success.

Your own business will provide you flexibility. As a business owner, you will get to enjoy very much higher degree of flexibility. You don't have to compromise with co-workers about who will get which holiday weeks off from the schedule. You can work for very long hours and till late at night and don't have to worry about waking up early in the morning. You can set your own hours of work so you can take care of both your professional and personal responsibilities. And if you have a web based business or if you are a teenage freelancer, it will allow you to take your office with you to anywhere you go. That is the flexibility of having a business.
Great Earning Potential
As a business owner your earning potential is not limited to any sort of salary structure as it usually happens when working for an employer. With your own business you have the potential to make money as well as save much more than you could save when working for someone else. Your earning potential will depend on the amount of hard work, creativity and dedication you put in promoting your business. Business provides opportunity to earn great money but remember not every business ends up as successful but to achieve success you have to take up this risk.

Your Country
    The country you live in is always affected by your actions either negatively or positively. When you are a successful businessman you can help in making your country economically more stable and successful. You can get good number of jobs for your countrymen. When you are successful your people will be proud of you and you will earn real respect.

    One of the major advantages of having a business will be the satisfaction you will feel at the end of every day. You will always feel thrilled and feel increased confidence because you will be able to prove that you can do things on your own and depend on yourself.

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